The latest on DRS legislation for the UK nations – Jan 2023 updates
It has recently been announced by DEFRA in their response to the consultation held in Spring 2021 that all four UK nations will introduce a deposit return scheme (DRS) for beverage containers by 2025, with Scotland launching theirs this August.
To summarise the key points in their response in relation to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland:
- 1st October 2025 has been set as implementation date
- PET, steel and aluminium cans in-scope all systems. Glass bottles excluded from England and Northern Ireland
- All in model confirmed – 50ml-3L covered, plus multipack items. This was previously communicated in March 2022
- No news on the deposit level at this point. The scheme administrator will be given powers to set the deposit(s) level at a later stage
- Producer responsibilities align with Scottish DRS. Producer fees are to be set by the scheme administrator
- Retailer responsibilities align with Scottish DRS, with large supermarkets delivering grocery shopping expected to be able to offer consumers a doorstep takeback service from day 1 of the scheme
- Handling fees to be set by Scheme Administrator
- Mixed reaction to Digital DRS – further research to be undertaken
- Scheme Administrator will not be appointed by competitive tender, but rather by a selection process set out in regulation. There will be separate DRS regulations in each nation, with it therefore possible that multiple administrators could arise.
- We are hearing Circularity Scotland, administrator of the Scottish DRS taking a keen interest
- Regulations are expected to be laid later in 2023, with Administrator appointments to be finalised by summer 2024.
- Drink containers that are to be within the scope of the Rest of the UK DRS will only face PRN fees under the reformed system until DRS is launched in these nations. This was previously communicated in March 2022.
- As they are excluded from DRS, glass drinks containers will face EPR fees in England, and Northern Ireland in addition to PRN fees.
- Glass drinks containers placed on the market in Wales prior to the introduction of DRS will also face EPR fees in addition to PRN fees up until Welsh DRS is launched.
- The policy will be seeking clarifications on how PRN obligations are handled across 2025.
What does this mean if you are a retailer? Despite a delay in the roll out for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is still firmly on the agenda and on the horizon and worth preparing for the impact this legislation may have on your business from an obligations and financial perspective.
EcoVend and the wider Reconomy Group assist businesses worldwide, from those that are in a preparation phase through to those already operating in a country with a DRS. If you are interested in talking to someone about DRS or reverse vending machines, please get in touch today.